Napoleon Dynamite: Hollywood Filmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96DKZrrSbuw(napolean Dynamite tralier)
Production companies were Fox searchlight pictures they were also responsible for producing Lil miss sunshine, Paramount pictures also produced Brokeback mountain, weather man and get rich or die tryin staring 50centThe actors were not well known at the time but were upcoming newbie’s in the teen movie world. Jon Heeder who played Napoleon went on to do such films as with will Ferrell and his carer progressed from his performance in this film. The actors were not well known at the time but were upcoming newbie’s in the teen movie world. Napoleon Dynamite is a typical geeky loser in high school going for him living with his weird brother and wacky grandmother he meets Pedro who gives him the courage to take more risk and in school election shows the whole school who he really is. the character portray a typical all American high school e.g. segregated into different groups popular kids, geeks Goths etching like the characters as there quirky and funny in the unusual humour. Generally in Hollywood the script is usually quiet a dramatic storyline but a lot more scenes of action and effects. The dialogue stuck to the `Hollywood regulation' not to risky with the dialogue they used but stupid enough to pass humour through to the audience. In each scene there isn’t a lot of dialogue but the use of words and sentences portrays there emotions the music very much old school 80/90s music setting the comedy aspect all through the movie. It mellow and upbeat reflecting the simplicity of the characters lifestyle Editing- The editing and camerawork were basic cuts between each of the shots not a lot of movement for a Hollywood film. Some zooming and close up but generally long shots. This is to set the scene of the character as a basic geeky teenager not a lot going for him. The trailer has a lot of cuts going from scene to scene fitting and tryin to show all the main characters. There aren’t many locations except for the school, napoleons house and the area. Prop there would have lot of changes for each scene to look like another day. They would be expensive props including clothes, accessories, furniture, computer and electronic equipment. The trailer grabs my attention as it hasn’t got a set storyline but it lets the audience engage by following Napoleon (main character) through his life and how he changes and is influenced by the people around him.
Clerks:Independent Filmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNd8nvnmhyM(Clerks trialer)
The production companies’ involved were View Askew who also produced jersey girl the other production company was Miramax films who were also responsible for producing kill bill and scary movie 3.The actors were not well known at all they were either upcoming actors or friends of Kevin smith (the director) doing him favour to star in his film even Kevin played one of the characters this is were you see that the budget was very small. Characters are close to real life people and the story line rehearses this as well. The characters look similar to us.eg basic clothes not made up in lots of make up. The characters being real makes the viewer to be more likely to relate to it unlike a Hollywood were its fake and in reality it would always end happily ever after with al the characters relationship In clerks it shows real relationship with ups and down the characters Dante and Randall. There are much longer cuts between each of the scenes the camera shot is there for 4 minutes unlike in a Hollywood it would be for 4seconds.The camerawork is quite basic as there isn’t a lot of opportunity to have a variety of shot types as it is quite time consuming and expensive to edit They don’t have the right equipment for it. The sound and dialogue are very basic not to muck sound only firm background noise and begging the opening of trailer. The music reflects there day to day routine .The dialogue is were the film can shine as there is less emphasis on action and effects but more on what they are saying and how the characters react to one another. The film takes risk in what they make the characters do but these appeals to the audience as they aren’t restricted to a predictable story line. There wasn’t a lot of mise-en scene because of access to complicated props and lighting. There were only to 2 locations the video shop and the convince store al in which still made the film successful compare dot Hollywood were there would be more than 5 location. Overall the trailer reflects what the film is likely to be about no set storyline just following to guys through there day to day life and how they react to changes and the public when things go wrong. The trailer grabs the attention of the aundine and it is funny already so it gives you something to look forward to and see how the characters relationships progress.
ReplyDeleteThis is an acceptable peice of work. You make good reference to institutional factors and examples from the films. There is also strong knowledge of the material we have covered in class.
To improve:
- Structure. By dealing with one film at a time it is very difficult to actually compare them. Also, there is an apparent lack of paragraphs in your work, making it quite inaccessible for the reader. There is also no clear conclusion.
- Explanation of institutional factors. Your essay should relate each issue back to institutional factors (i.e. budget and associated consequences).
- Style of writing. At times there were odd mistakes in sentence structure and your response seemed somewhat note-like. You must respond to an essay title in academically phrased, full sentences.
Effort Grade 2/3