This song will be the opening of the film sets a funny tone to the beginning of the film the characters could be listening to it miming of having a joke about it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keU5TQ7nkuM
Film Title: The Unexpected Heroes
The Production Company who will be producing our film is Little British pictures.They are subsidiary company allowing us to take risk with our story and keep to a budget which is just the right amount to create our film. We will be working with a Budget of 500.000 which will cover the costs of locations and sets, Actors,music,marketing and distribution.Any leftover money which has not been invested into these categories will be spent on the development or editing of the film any cost for expensive equipment and Overall management of the film.
The Production Company who will be producing our film is Little British pictures.They are subsidiary company allowing us to take risk with our story and keep to a budget which is just the right amount to create our film. We will be working with a Budget of 500.000 which will cover the costs of locations and sets, Actors,music,marketing and distribution.Any leftover money which has not been invested into these categories will be spent on the development or editing of the film any cost for expensive equipment and Overall management of the film.
The Scenario of the film is a buddy comedy about two British losers who become accidental heroes by saving the world from nuclear disaster.
The story follows to friends William and jack. They are typical school boy access cocky jokers who haven’t got anything up in there brains. They decide to bunk off school for the day in the local park. They stay there until Williams falls over and hits something hard. They both go and see what It is and it turns out to be a bomb. The boys don’t know what it is at first but find two geeky scientists students at school to check it out and they discover its a nuclear bomb. They find a timer on it saying that there is 24hours till it will blow up. They go on a journey to stop the bomb from going off and get into troubles along the way.Its a adventurous story filled with laughter and fun throughout,although the boys are seen as losers by them changing the world their roles in their community and society as a hole change for life leaving them as heroes.
Location 1: Train station the cost of this location to film in will be 5000. It will be filmed on the platform so seats, maps and waiting rooms will be around. The scenes were it will be used is William and jack argue with a train inspector over there tickets.
Location 2: The park this will be free to use as there are a number of local park around the area. It will have the grass area, playground, skate park and pitch. It will be used in scenes were William and jack bunk off.
Location 3: Williams house (which would be filmed at my house) It would cost anything for the filming time. Filmed in the bedroom desk, bed making it untidy to show a boys bedroom. These scenes would be for when William wakes up and scenes with maybe with his mum or a sibling.
Location 4: The school. These would also be free as we can use our school. It would be filmed around classroom, playground and canteen. These scenes would be for when jack and William are in school during the day, coming in and out.
Location5: The TV studio. This would cost us 10, 00 but we would find a proper studio setting. It would have lights, camera, set and presenter. These scenes would be shot for when the boys are telling their story of how they saved the world.
Location 1: Train station the cost of this location to film in will be 5000. It will be filmed on the platform so seats, maps and waiting rooms will be around. The scenes were it will be used is William and jack argue with a train inspector over there tickets.
Location 2: The park this will be free to use as there are a number of local park around the area. It will have the grass area, playground, skate park and pitch. It will be used in scenes were William and jack bunk off.
Location 3: Williams house (which would be filmed at my house) It would cost anything for the filming time. Filmed in the bedroom desk, bed making it untidy to show a boys bedroom. These scenes would be for when William wakes up and scenes with maybe with his mum or a sibling.
Location 4: The school. These would also be free as we can use our school. It would be filmed around classroom, playground and canteen. These scenes would be for when jack and William are in school during the day, coming in and out.
Location5: The TV studio. This would cost us 10, 00 but we would find a proper studio setting. It would have lights, camera, set and presenter. These scenes would be shot for when the boys are telling their story of how they saved the world.
Characters and Actors
William-He’s is cocky teenage boy sees himself as a joker and is always late for everything including school and his friends. We would use a C-list actor for this role preferable Nicholas Hoult the lead from Skins series 1.This would cost us 100,00 but we would be getting a known births actor who will deliver the role best.
Jack-Cocky teenage boy like William but very organised and always on time. We would use an actor from school e.g. drama student this would mean that it would be free but would give them a small some if the film is successful.
Train inspector-Old man grumpy and angry. This will be played also by a unknown actor e.g. a granddad/teacher this would be free no money would have to be given as it is a very small part.
TV presenter-Talkative on the ball asking allot of question. This could be played by one of the dram teachers as they will have experience with taking on a role. This would also be free.
Grace- William and jacks friend. We would use a D listed preferable Jamie Winston s she has good knowledge of taking on different role. This would cost us 10, 00 but would be worth the money.
The type of music we will be using will be rap.
We will use unknown artists such as people who are studying music a level and MC well. This would cost anything and would be way of getting there music out .We would use Eminem to make and song and it would be played for the opening for the film,. This would cost us 100.00 but this is a great opportunity to personalise the film through song. We would also use a Beat for various shots and scenes were a song is not needed. This would be done on a beat maker from library music this would cost 100 which isn’t too much and would be used a lot.
Target Audience
The target audience we will be focusing on for the film is age rang between 16-30.The gender male/female but i think he film will interest the male consumers as it reflects there own types of behaviours making it appeal to them more.It will appeal to a multi cultural audience as the characters are all of different nationality.The locations are not set in London in a posh area were people cant relate to that lifestyle.It is set were people can relate to the east London lifestyle seeing this through the music, language and race.
Budget Review
Budget £500,00
Budget spent £ 215,100
Total cost for sets and Locations £15.000 This is not very expensive as most of these are being able to be accessed freely.
Total cost for actors £100.00 This money will be worth it as there will be experienced actors to take on the roles.
Total cost for music £100,00 Music will play a big part in the film and so a little more spending on it will make a difference in the long run.
Remaining Budget 284,900 this will be used on marketing and distribution of the film and equipment/locations which we may not of been able to access without the money leftover.Overall we stuck to the budget and have money left over to spend on various things needed for the filming and production process of the film.
William-He’s is cocky teenage boy sees himself as a joker and is always late for everything including school and his friends. We would use a C-list actor for this role preferable Nicholas Hoult the lead from Skins series 1.This would cost us 100,00 but we would be getting a known births actor who will deliver the role best.
Jack-Cocky teenage boy like William but very organised and always on time. We would use an actor from school e.g. drama student this would mean that it would be free but would give them a small some if the film is successful.
Train inspector-Old man grumpy and angry. This will be played also by a unknown actor e.g. a granddad/teacher this would be free no money would have to be given as it is a very small part.
TV presenter-Talkative on the ball asking allot of question. This could be played by one of the dram teachers as they will have experience with taking on a role. This would also be free.
Grace- William and jacks friend. We would use a D listed preferable Jamie Winston s she has good knowledge of taking on different role. This would cost us 10, 00 but would be worth the money.
The type of music we will be using will be rap.
We will use unknown artists such as people who are studying music a level and MC well. This would cost anything and would be way of getting there music out .We would use Eminem to make and song and it would be played for the opening for the film,. This would cost us 100.00 but this is a great opportunity to personalise the film through song. We would also use a Beat for various shots and scenes were a song is not needed. This would be done on a beat maker from library music this would cost 100 which isn’t too much and would be used a lot.
Target Audience
The target audience we will be focusing on for the film is age rang between 16-30.The gender male/female but i think he film will interest the male consumers as it reflects there own types of behaviours making it appeal to them more.It will appeal to a multi cultural audience as the characters are all of different nationality.The locations are not set in London in a posh area were people cant relate to that lifestyle.It is set were people can relate to the east London lifestyle seeing this through the music, language and race.
Budget Review
Budget £500,00
Budget spent £ 215,100
Total cost for sets and Locations £15.000 This is not very expensive as most of these are being able to be accessed freely.
Total cost for actors £100.00 This money will be worth it as there will be experienced actors to take on the roles.
Total cost for music £100,00 Music will play a big part in the film and so a little more spending on it will make a difference in the long run.
Remaining Budget 284,900 this will be used on marketing and distribution of the film and equipment/locations which we may not of been able to access without the money leftover.Overall we stuck to the budget and have money left over to spend on various things needed for the filming and production process of the film.
Why does Our film depict the British Culture?
In my opinion our film represents Brittan as it is showing a relationship between two friends’s and how a hard situation can either bring them close or break their relationship up. In our Culture today friendship is a very important thing to a lot of people in communities all around Britain having friend’s acts as a support unit and a way of expressing your feeling without having to rely on families. The film also depicts the multi-cultural country which is growing in the number of different cultures rapidly. It wouldn’t be a true resemblance of Britain without different races, nationalities and religions. Having it the east end of London shows does just narrow down one type of class. It shows the w class and middle class living in the same area and how it can work. Using the schools and locals transport facilities shows the brutishness and how transport is very important to the running of people’s lives. Without buses, trains, cars how else will people be able to travel everyday. Being `British ' is changing because of the emerging of all cultures in one area typical British views are slowly disappearing. I think our films story reflects this as we try to show as many different races in the film. Having such issues as this draws the audience in and people feel united as a country as we are not depicting people who are white as the British culture but of lots of different cultures combining together. Our films shows how Britain is today and what we will expect of it in the future generation.
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