Skins Mise-En-Scene
The main representation in the clip is age this is reflected in the visual representations of young people and how they are stereotyped into being ungrateful, disobedience and living the party life of sex drugs and alcohol. The characters in the clip fit this stereotype and show the audience it is part of there everyday lifestyle.
The Colour design in the clip was set to reflect the characters state of mind Cass wakes up with the bright green cover over her showing us a neon primary colour. The design had prints and cartoon style on it showing us childlike patterns. There are a lot of mixers of colours from darker pastels to the neon primary this can show there mind set being hectic from the night before and Cass in particular being the only one up and already knowing what to come. The colours are all representative of the individuals characters e.g. Anwar in white showing his religious side, Cassie in quite dull unnoticeable colours, and Michelle and tony in the bed were there was bright colours on her bed covers to show there lively personalities.
The Lighting used in the clip was ambient natural lighting this helps create atmosphere of the `morning after' and verisimilitude. This help show us the daytime and makes it look vibrant and appealing which contrast with the characters current state.The lighting changes to artificial to show the teenagers being full of life and energy.
The actor’s performances were used to show the representation of age in the clip. The actress playing Cass is very thin this is shown through production design as she is only wearing small bland underwear, when she wakes up showing us her thin frame this gives us an indication of her mental of physical health. Cass’s character is a specific casting role as they won’t to show Cass as teenager fitting the stereotype of teenage girls suffering from weight problems. Cass character is quite and reserved and in the scene were Michelle mum comes back she doesn’t tell her that the house has been trashed but just acts normal and sweet fitting her quite persona and reluctant to talk them. Michelle mother is seen as naive and oblivious to what her daughter has been up to. She is also perceived as quite snobby and having a younger husband makes her feels a higher level than everyone else. Michelle and the other characters are taking advantage and connoting to the audience that they are becoming more intelligent than their parents. The character Anwar is shown as being the undercover rebel. He is committed to his religion but doesn’t want to live by the rules and regulations he’s stated to abide by. Michelle character is shown to not care about anyone but herself or tony. From the dialogue she uses to address Cassie as a `crazy bitch’ showing that Cassie isn’t really noticed much by her friends and shows the similarities with the state of her bodies.
Production design is used in the clip is mostly around the set of the house and what condition it is. The house is wrecked because of the party so people laying everywhere some naked, food and drink scattered, writing all over the walls and kiss marks all over peoples bodies. This setting fits the stereotype of teenagers having wild parties with sex drugs and alcohol. They don’t seem to notice the mess around them showing that teenagers are oblivious to any mess or responsibilities to clear up. The outside if house is shown to be clean. The outside garden area is shown to well groomed and taken care of. The scene were Michelle’s Mum says she’s having a meeting about her new curtains shows that Michelle’s mother status and how she takes pride in the interea of the home and appearance. Michelle’s behaviour contrasts this as she couldn’t care less if the house got trashed or not.
In conclusion the use of Clap in skins enhances the representations of age and the stereotypes of teenage behaviour. The characters all fit the perception of drugs alcohol and sex being the main attraction to teenagers in this generation now.
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