Sunday, 22 November 2009

Fantasy Film making Part 2


Our first type of synergy we would like to use is Product placement.We will use the company Adidas for the clothes of our two characters, extras and signs in the film advertising it.The audience it will appeal to will be young people who like to look sporty and trendy and up are up to date with the fashion.The second Company we will use for product placement is T-Mobile this will be used for scenes were the characters call each others e.g welcome to t-mobile voicemail service. This will appeal to people interested in technology and t-mobiles general services.We will use commercial synergy for Burger king.This will be used to advertise for the audience to want to eat there and use scenes were the boys are eating the food from the restaurant.

The total cost of synergy is £150,00
the production budget £4,00 00 00
Money remaining from stage 1 £284,900
Current budget £44,34,900


The Director we will hire is Noel Clarke who directed KIdulthood and Adulthood.To have him it will cost 100,00.We Will be guaranteed a good director with a goo style and fit the brief that we want for our film.the film were successful however were not widely known around a big audience.We will use a Professional production team at 50,000 we will be guaranteed a good quality of producers making are film more appealing however it may not look as good as a Hollywood film with action scenes in it.We will also hire a profession editor at cost of 50,00 this will as to the quality and excitement of the film however it may takeaway from the verisimilitude of the characters.We will hire a amateur but trained British special effects team t a cost of 10.00 this Will be good as their are only to scenes were special effects may need to be used.However it many not come out the way we in visioned it e.g not having the excitement factor that we pictured.


The Camera we will use is a song-dv-00177.We will get 5 of these at a cost of 2,499 each.They are good quality cameras, easy to use,portable and able to attached a tripod.However it is quiet expensive.
The tapes we will use are hd dv tape.50 tapes will cost £400 it is a cheaper deal than the other kind of tapes we looked at however it might not be the best option as the tapes wont last as long.
The computer we will use is the 17 inch mac at a cost of 1,1490 it is good quality however it is expensive to use and doesn't come with the software.
The editing software we will use is Adobe after effects mac at a cost of £587 It is good software material to get the best outcome possible and is able to be portable done. however it is time consuming to use and is expensive for what it is.

Total cost for the crew is £111,00 00
Total cost for equipment is £24972,00
Remaining Budget £827700

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